Showing posts with label polluting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label polluting. Show all posts

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Saving the environment by polluting more?

10 years ago when I moved into my house a single bin truck collected all the weekly waste in the area by coming along on a Tuesday morning.
Then it was opened for competition and we got 3 operators equalling 3 bin-trucks a week.  Next step was a green bin for recyclable waste, so now each company needed to send 2 bin-trucks a week and since with competition prices now had doubled, more got in on the act.  We then had 10 bin Lorries every second week (green (bin) week) and 5 every other week.   Next step I hear is another brown bin to be emptied every second week. 
So after all this recycling for a greener world is done, we will now be visited by 10 bin-trucks every week:  4 on Mondays, 2 on Tuesdays, 2 on Thursdays and 2 on Fridays, unless it’s a Bank Holiday when we will have 4 on Saturdays also.  And this single ended lane only has 22 houses on it
Going from 1 to 10 trucks every week.  Is that the way to save the planet?