Thursday, 11 June 2020

1 meter social distancing = no social distancing

Think about it. 1 meter between tables in a restaurant means that every time somebody moves at the neighbouring table or a waiter stands between tables and take your order, there is absolutely no social distancing.
People often measure the distance to others from the middle of themselves to the middle of others. Then 1/3 of the 1 meter is taken by you and another 1/3 by the other person and then you are only left with what is needed to not actually touch each other.

Every bar, restaurant and other venue where people congregate to buy stuff are pushing for the 1 meter limit because they know that that is as close to normal non pandemic times you can get without people actually sitting on top of each other.

Take the example of when you go for a walk along a relatively narrow road you know you have to step out of if a car comes and people your meet are not even making an effort by walking side by side. Think about that and that the average car is about 2 meters wide.

Basically governments that reduce the requirement for social distancing form 2 to 1 meter have given up on the demand and are just setting 1 to give a sheen of complying with scientific advice. And when 1 fall they all fall because no industry body is comparing with where its stricter. They all constantly push for being like where it is more lenient.
In pandemic times one just can't leave the decision making to those whose economic interest is aligned with the more people you can stuff together in a crowded place the better. Or the politicians that are in their pockets.